Sunday, July 1, 2007

2006 August Newsletter

CRFG August Meeting/Tour

When: Saturday, August 19
Time: 10:00 to Noon
Where: 227 Calle Higuera, Camarillo 93010
Topic: Figs, Figs and more Figs
Our Host: Dick Watts

Directions: Take the 101 Freeway, exit at Los Posas Road
On Las Posas proceed north toward the foothills thru 3 signals
Past the school, Las Posas turns to the right, very soon after
Left turn at Camino La Madera
Bear to the right at Calle Higuera, drive about 200 feet
Arrive at 227 Calle Higuera

This is the home of Dick Watts, Fig Consultant and 2006 Fig Specialist for the CRFG. Dick is listed in our state organization publication, the CRFG Fruit Gardener Magazine, which most of our members receive every other month.

Dick Watts wrote this introduction.
There are about 100+ varieties of figs to see here. They may not all have fruit in August as they have different dates of maturity. There are about 100 or more specimen trees, some that are 30 years or older. In addition, there are other varieties in the ground and many others in containers. Figs can be grafted onto fig if you want additional varieties on a single tree.

Figs are easy to propagate from hardwood deciduous cuttings. Certain cultivars and seedling selections thrive in various microclimates. Ficus carica (the edible fig) is an excellent fruit tree for Mediterranean climates, but it also adapts to other climate zones. The origin of the fig is probably indigenous to the region that includes the Holy Lands and the Fertile Crescent. There are many ways to prune a production fig to adapt to differing garden and landscape situations, including container culture.

Dick’s yard is small, so he will take several groups through the yard. Come any time between 10 and 11:30 and bring a chair so that you can be comfortable while you wait. Dick reports that the hot weather is making the trees grow and that there should be lots of figs to taste.

Dick Watts is looking forward to seeing our group on August 19. Bring your family, friends, and your questions for our Fig Specialist.


Figs have been a part our area for a long time. Calle Higuera means street of the fig.


Reminder: There is no Chapter meeting in September, so you can attend the CRFG Festival of Fruit at Cal Poly University - San Luis Obispo. Check out for further details.

2006 is the Year of the Healthful Grape.

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